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Human Resource

How to Transform Your Company Culture to Attract Millennial Talent

Learn how to attract and retain millennial talent by transforming your company culture with strategies for flexibility, growth, and inclusivity.
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Human Resource

Overcoming the Top 5 Challenges in Healthcare Benefits Management

Explore how overcoming top challenges in healthcare benefits management enhances employee satisfaction and financial efficiency through strategic, technology-driven solutions.
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Human Resource

The Role of Healthcare Benefits in Employee Retention

Comprehensive healthcare benefits are key to retaining top talent, enhancing employee satisfaction and loyalty through personalized and valued health services.
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Human Resource

Flexible Benefits: A Catalyst for Diverse and Dynamic Workforces

Flexible benefits are reshaping workplace culture by meeting diverse employee needs, enhancing satisfaction and productivity, and fostering loyalty and retention.
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Human Resource

Data-Driven Decisions: Shaping the Future of Employee Health

Discover how leveraging data analytics transforms healthcare benefits management, enhancing decision-making, operational efficiency, and targeted health outcomes.
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Human Resource

Building a Healthier Workplace: The Power of Wellness Programs

Discover how structured, measurable wellness programs enhance workplace productivity and employee satisfaction by boosting well-being and reducing healthcare costs.
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Human Resource

The Breaking Point: How Automation Lifts HR's Overwhelming Benefits Burden

Discover how automation streamlines HR benefits management, enhancing efficiency and employee satisfaction.
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Human Resources Practionairs

5 Key Strategies to Cut Healthcare Costs: Beyond the Basics

Discover how HealthMetrics tackles the rising healthcare costs in Asia with innovative cost management strategies, digital health solutions, and tailored benefits, enhancing corporate healthcare sustainability and employee well-being.
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Human Resource Practitioners

Navigating Asia's Top Employee Healthcare Trends in 2024

Explore the key insights from the Mercer Marsh Health Trends 2024 report on Asia’s top employee healthcare trends, including rising healthcare costs, digital health innovations, and inclusive benefits, and discover how HealthMetrics offers solutions tailored to modern corporate needs.
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Human Resource, CEO

Revolutionizing Employee Health: Navigating the Digital Transformation Wave

Discover how digital innovation is revolutionizing healthcare management, emphasizing chronic condition management and preventive care with HealthMetrics.
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Employee Benefits

Future-Proofing Employee Benefits in Southeast Asia: A Guide for HR Professionals

Dive into this guide to discover actionable insights on employee benefits and digital transformation in Southeast Asia.
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Corporate Human Resource

8 Ways to Foster Psychological Safety With Your Team

Learn how to create a positive team environment where everyone feels safe to share ideas, offer feedback, and take risks.
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Mastering The Art of Conveying Compensation and Engagement

Unveiling the Power of Effective Communication in HR: A Strategic Way to Enhancing Employee Engagement and Corporate Success.
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Bare Minimum Mondays: A New Trend to Beat the Monday Blues

Learn how to beat the Monday blues by doing only the essential work on Mondays and using the extra time for self-care and happiness.
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Corporate Human Resource

Introducing HealthMetrics Upgraded Outpatient Ticket Management UI

HealthMetrics and Across Asia Assists announce a new ticket interface for outpatient claims that provides more details and clarity.
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How to Save Time, Money and Hassle with A Modern Insurance Solution

Discover how to streamline your insurance administration with a digital platform that simplifies and improves your employee benefits.
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A Guide to Proper Payment Notification for HealthMetrics Clients

This article aims to provide a clear guide on the proper payment notification channels to use when submitting payments to HealthMetrics.
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Meningkatkan Kesehatan Pendidik: Kekuatan Digitalisasi dalam Pendidikan

Memberdayakan pendidik melalui digitalisasi untuk meningkatkan kesehatan dan kesejahteraan dalam pendidikan.
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Solusi Manajemen Perawatan Kesehatan Mutakhir untuk Industri Properti dan Pengembang

Administrasi klaim yang disederhanakan, pengurangan biaya, manfaat yang dioptimalkan, dan peningkatan kepuasan karyawan. Rasakan pertumbuhan dan perkembangan dengan platform digital yang inovatif.
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Unggul Melalui Digitalisasi: Membuka Efisiensi, Produktivitas, dan Penghematan Biaya untuk Industri Manufaktur

Buka efisiensi, produktivitas, dan penghematan biaya melalui digitalisasi di bidang manufaktur.
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A Cutting-Edge Healthcare Management Solution for The Property and Developer Industry

Streamlined claims administration, cost reduction, optimized benefits, and heightened employee satisfaction. Experience growth and development with innovative digital platform.
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Enhancing Educator Wellness: The Power of Digitalisation in Education

"Empowering educators through digitalisation for enhanced wellness and well-being in education."
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Excelling Digitalisation: Unlocking Efficiency, Productivity, and Cost Savings for The Manufacturing Industry

Unlock efficiency, productivity, and cost savings through digitalisation in manufacturing.
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Corporate Clients

Simplifying Employee Status Management In The HealthMetrics Portal

A guide to managing employee status in the HealthMetrics portal.
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Human Resource

Shaping Company Culture for Millennials: A Fusion of Innovation and Inclusivity

Unlock your company's potential by adapting to the unique needs and expectations of the millennial workforce. Foster a culture that combines innovation, inclusivity, and collaboration to attract and retain top talent.
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Human Resource

The Importance of a Data-Driven Wellness Program in 2023

Employee wellness programs are now widely used by businesses across the globe.
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Human Resource

How to Retain Generation Y and Z Talents

According to a study conducted by IBM Institute for Business Value, 1 in 5 employees who switched jobs were identified as 33% as Gen Z and 25% as Gen Y employees.
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Human Resource

Company Saves 32% Of Their Annual Budget With HealthMetrics

Learn how your organisation can maintain the same savings while extending better employee well-being.
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Human Resource

Top 10 HR Blogs to Follow in 2023: Stay Ahead of the Latest Trends

Stay Ahead of the Curve: Top 10 HR Blogs to Follow in 2023 for the Latest Trends
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Human Resource

Employee Benefits in 2023: Trends For a Post Pandemic Workforce

Preparing for a New Era: Employee Benefits Trends in the Post-Pandemic Workforce of 2023
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Human Resource

Guide for HRs: Influenza (Flu) Vaccine for Malaysian Companies

A guide to improve your organisation well being and improving productivity
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Human Resource

Panduan sumber manusia: Strategi pengekalan pekerja pasca COVID-19

Krisis COVID-19 secara keseluruhannya telah membawa kepada pelbagai perubahan struktur tempat kerja dan tenaga kerja.
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Human Resource

Lima strategi utama untuk meningkatkan pengekalan pekerja di syarikat

Organisasi berjaya dengan pekerja yang konsisten.
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Human Resource

Why is Employees Health Screening Important for Businesses?

Health Screening now plays an ever more important role in battling in the COVID-19 pandemic towards your employees.
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Human Resource

Improve Employee Retention with Employee Benefits in Malaysia

Learn, understand and strategize ways to retain your top performing workforce
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Human Resource

Guide to employee health benefits in Malaysia

Employee benefits are one of the many perks believed to be a substantial factor for employees to perform better.
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Human Resource

HR Guide To Employee Benefits Policy in Malaysia and Singapore

Benefits boost employee retention and performance.
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Why are medical services getting costlier?

Annual increase in employer medical insurance costs.
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Human Resource

Manfaat Pekerja pada tahun 2022: Trend untuk Tenaga Kerja yang Fleksibel

Tenaga kerja yang fleksibel ini mengacu pada pekerja yang dapat bekerja dengan jadual yang lebih fleksibel,
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Human Resources

10 HR Digitalisation Practices

HR Digitisation is the solution to move your business forward.
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Human Resource

HR Guide: Employee Dismissal Guide in 2024

The following guide will be useful for HR departments to have a well-informed approach to managing and retrenching employees.
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